1 min read

Common Myths and Misconceptions About Travel Insurance

Common Myths and Misconceptions About Travel Insurance

There are often many misconceptions about travel insurance, including what it covers and how it works. Here are a few common misconceptions that we have compiled that will hopefully help you make a more informed decision the next time you take a trip!

Myths and Misconceptions:

  1. Travel insurance is unnecessary.

This is definitely not true. Extreme weather conditions, medical outbreaks, accidents, illnesses and terrorist attacks happen often, and often without notice. At MissionSafe we offer comprehensive travel medical plans that will help you be prepared for life’s big and small surprises.

  1. It’s too expensive.

You can find a very reasonably priced insurance plan that will give you both coverage and peace of mind. MissionSafe offers a Flat Rate Plan that is designed for affordable group travel rates.


  1. It’s cheaper to pay out of pocket.

Three of the most common health claims made abroad – ear infection, stomach flu and broken bones can, on the average, cost over $10,000 in some countries. With most travel insurance plans the carriers will setup direct billing with the hospital so you don’t have to pay the hospital bills out-of-pocket.

  1. Travel insurance is only needed for high-risk adventures.

Travel insurance plans cover much more than this, like compensation from your luggage being lost, medical expenses and emergency evacuation and more. Check out our website for more information on the right plan for your trip. https://www.missionsafe.com/plans/

  1. Your credit card or bank’s complimentary insurance is enough.

Often times these cards will not give you the protection and coverage that you need. You want a plan you can trust and service you can rely on in case you’re in an emergency situation.

So, in short, look into buying a travel insurance policy before your next trip overseas –be prepared before you need help!

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